Symposia: Manga at a Crossroads II -- Development and Globalization of Manga

April 4, 2015
1:00PM - 5:30PM
Sullivant Hall 220

Date Range
2015-04-04 13:00:00 2015-04-04 17:30:00 Symposia: Manga at a Crossroads II -- Development and Globalization of Manga Schedule1:00-1:10: Opening1:10-2:10: Prof. Masami Toku (California State University, Chico)“World of Shōjo Manga!: Mirrors of Girls' Desires”2:10-3:10: Prof. Jennifer Prough (Valparaiso University)"Local Texts, Global Audiences: a View from within the Shōjo Manga  Industry"3:10-3:15: Break3:15-4:15: Prof. Kerim Yasar (OSU)“Marketing Manga in the U.S.: Translational Strategies, Transnational  Flows”4:15-5:15: Prof. Casey Brienza (City University London)"Global Manga: 'Japanese' Comics without Japan?"5:15-5:30: Wrap-up5:30-: Reception Sullivant Hall 220 America/New_York public


1:00-1:10: Opening

1:10-2:10: Prof. Masami Toku (California State University, Chico)

“World of Shōjo Manga!: Mirrors of Girls' Desires”

2:10-3:10: Prof. Jennifer Prough (Valparaiso University)

"Local Texts, Global Audiences: a View from within the Shōjo Manga  Industry"

3:10-3:15: Break

3:15-4:15: Prof. Kerim Yasar (OSU)

“Marketing Manga in the U.S.: Translational Strategies, Transnational  Flows”

4:15-5:15: Prof. Casey Brienza (City University London)

"Global Manga: 'Japanese' Comics without Japan?"

5:15-5:30: Wrap-up

5:30-: Reception

Manga at a Crossroads II