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Chinese MA Theses


Danison, James  (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2023

什麼傳統與如何現代 — 陳獨秀與胡適的異同比較  What Chinese Tradition Is and How to Modernize China: A Comparative Study of Chen Duxiu and Hu Shi

Grahm, Maggie (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2023

臺灣高鐵系統如何服務臺灣民衆與社會 — 基於乘客經驗與感受的研究   Taiwan’s High-Speed Rail System and It’s Service: A Study Based on Passenger Experience and Perception

Allaman, Nicholas (Prof. Meow Hui Goh) 2023
The Shifting Voice of Wisdom: Persona and the Strung Pearl Genre.

Ye, Xuan (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2023
Flowers of Shanghai: A Dialectology Perspective on the 1998 Film.

O'Dell, Jonathan (Prof. Mark Bender) 2023
Poetry and Power in Southwest China: Negotiating Identities in Ethnic Literature

Smalley, Olivia (Prof. Xiaobing Jian) 2023
"煙火氣”—— 台灣夜市與民眾生活  “Yānhuǒ Qì”—— Táiwān Yèshì yǔ Mínzhòng Shēnghuó
"Air of Smoke and Fire": Taiwan Night Markets and People’s Lives


Conley, Jason (Prof. Galal Walker) 2022
A Study on the Economic Benefits of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor – A Case Study on Belt and Road Infrastructure Investment.

Brethel, William (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2022
Study on the Cross-cultural and Multimedia Construction and Reception Of the Global Icon “Sun Wukong”

Cockrum, Paul (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2022
Taiwanese Southern Min: Identity and Written Sociolinguistic Variation.


McClure, Sean (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2021
Chinese International Students Campus Living and Residence Hall Management  中国留学⽣在美国⾼校的住宿⽣活与⾼校的宿舍管理

Ye, Jinwei  (Prof. Zhiguo Xie) 2021
Cross-categorical Intensification: The Case of Cantonese -gwai2

Smith, Joey   (Prof. Galal Walker) 2021
Assessing Wuhan residents’ opinion about and knowledge of Sponge Cities to guide engineering design and public outreach  武汉居民对海绵城市的认识与看法— 兼论海绵城市工程设计与社会推广

Mahall, Emma-Li   (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2021
Learning Centered Pedagogy: An Learner’s Experience and Perspective 以学习为中心教学法—一个学习者的经历与视角

Stevens, Kerry  (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2021
The Education Development in China’s Southwest Border Area under the Belt Road Initiative 一带一路倡议下中国西南边境地区教育发展研究 


Larson, Emily   (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2020
Negotiating Interpersonal Relations in 21st Century China: The Practices of China’s Post-90s Generation and Their Implications to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Wang, Ke  (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2020
Motivating, Embodying and Flowing: Music in Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language"


Klie, Hunter (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
Now is "Hunter," Now is "Liu Mengmei:" The Pedagogy of Performing Unfamiliar Roles and Negotiating Audience Expectations.

Jin, Menglin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2019
Nonverbal behaviors in Chinese Communication: What CFL Instructors See in Movies

Skladzien, Matthew (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
The Impact of Culture and Philosophy on Subjective Well-Being and an Introductory Look into Chinese Happiness Today


Nemeth, Jackson (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
New Wave of Chinese Returnees: Perspectives of Chinese Students Returning to China from Study in the U.S. on Return Incentives and New Economic Opportunity    新海归潮:现代留美学生海归回国动机与经济机会的看法分析

Mayer, Anzia (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
Conventionalized Expressions and Audience Perception in Chinese Discourse

Treat, Nicholas  (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
The Learning of Marital Arts and the Daoist and Buddhist Though    习武与悟道——武术与道家及释家思想

Garzon, Laura   (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2019
Coffee House Culture and the 3rd Space: Analysis of Shanghai Coffee House Customer Behaviors



Shen, Jingdi (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2018
Regional Lexical Variation in Modern Written Chinese: Analysis and Characterization Using Geo-Tagged Social Media

Pan, Junquan  (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2018
Constructing a Gay Persona: A Sociophonetic Case Study of an LGBT Talk Show in Taiwan

Wang, Mengling (Prof. Meow Hui Goh) 2018
Yutai xinyong 玉臺新詠 and the Practice of Anthologization in Early Medieval China 

Li, Yawei (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2018
“Other People’s Children”: Implicit Comparison in Modern Chinese Conversation

Rainey, Trey (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2018
Cross-Cultural Humor Through Comedy Films?
跨文化同笑?—— 中美喜剧片笑点研究


Zhao, Wenting (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2017
Creating Stories: On the Design of Dialogue Experience in Chinese Language Pedagogy

Sheahan, Chris (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2017
Commercializing Fitness Activities- An Analysis of Guangzhou City Commercial Health Clubs' Business Operation and Consumer Behaviors

Simon, Lydia (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2017
"Cultural Creative Industry Parks" and Chinese Contemporary Art--A Comparative Study of Beijing's 798 Arts District and Songzhuang Artist Village

Liu, Wei (Prof. Mark Bender)
Political Myth and Religious Beliefs in a Ritual of Ancestor Worship in Huizhou, China


Jin, Chenxing (Prof. Xiaobin Jian)
WeChat as a Medium to Socialize into Chinese Culture: The Persistence of Explicit Hierarchy

Kong, Xueying (Prof Kirk A. Denton)
Change and Un-change: Bian Zhilin's Struggles in the Wartime, 1937-1950

Skov, Adam (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2016
中国对好莱坞的影响/ China's Influence on Hollywood


Li, Tina (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2015
A New Product on the Chinese Market -
Exploring how the Xiaomi smartphone became an “overnight sensation” in China

Greene, Briun (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2015
How to develop the charging station infrastructure for electric vehicles in China

Cornelius, Crista (Prof. Galal Walker) 2015
Language Socialization through Performance Watch in a Chinese Study Abroad Context

Wang, Qian (Prof. Zhiguo Xie) 2015
Focus placement and interpretation of bare gradabel adjective predicates in Mandarin Chinese

Xu, Yichun (Prof. Kirk A. Denton) 2015
A Critical-Historical Study of Suiganlu and Its Status as a Subgenre

Liang, Kai (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2015
The Making of the “Junzi”: A Modern Perspective on the Pedagogy of Junzi in the Analects

Wu, Zeyuan (Prof. Meow Hui Goh) 2015
Playing Antiquity: Qin Musiking and Literati Culture in Late Imperial China

Lorden, Mack (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2015
The Localization of Chinese Teas in America

Pochedly, Nick (Prof. Galal Walker) 2015
Chinese App Companies: Operating Conditions and Organizational Needs

Olson, Cassandra (Prof. Galal Walker) 2015
The Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Dispute- Trilateral Policy Responses Between China, Japan, and the US

Carr, William (Prof. Xiaobin Jian) 2015
Examining the Issues Facing Beijing's Urban Integration Plan


Chen, Wan-chen (Prof. Galal Walker) 2013
Toward Designing a Chinese Language Teacher Training Program: An Analysis of Teachers’ Motivation

Yan, Yongyu (Prof. Galal Walker) 2013
Participarting On a Different Platform: View the Chinese Internet as a Platform for Cultural Performances

Draggeim, Alexandra (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2013  
网络流行语言与中国社会文化:以贵阳网民为例 (Internet Slang and China's Social Culture: A Case Study of Internet Users in Guiyang)


Chen, Litong (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2012
Shaoguan Tuhua, A Local Vernacular of Northern Guangdong Province, China: A New Look from a Quantitative and Contact Lingistic Perspective

Chai, Donglin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
Toward A Program of Acquiring Culture Themes by Beginning Students of Chinese as A Foreign Language.

Jia, Junqing (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012
Toward the Design of Motivating Experiences in a Chinese Language Program: From Beginning to Advanced Levels.

Zhang, Xin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
Chengyu as Cultural Performances: Insights into Designing Pedagogical Materials for Four-Character Chinese Idioms.

Kim, Teresa Y  (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
Survey in Qingdao: The role of “Mianzi” (face) and “Renqing” (benevolence) in Sino-Japanese Relations 青岛调查:面子与人情在对日外交关系中的作用

Young, David (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2012  
A Change of Concept: Confucianism in Contemporary China

Brooks, Evan (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
The Adaptive Media Strategy of Greenpeace in China

Greenwalt, Erin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
Factors Influencing Chinese Consumer Choice of English Training Schools".

Kamensky, John (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2012          
Research on the Protection of Chinese Farmers’ Land Rights During Land Expropriation

Slaten, Kevin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
Obscure Terrain: The Rights Defense of Qingdao Internal Migrant Workers

Hegedus, Michael (Prof. Galal Walker) 2012 
The Effect of Public Organizations in Developing the Ethnic Minority Folk Song of Guizhou, China

Khaira, Simran (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2012  
The Decline and Revival of Chinese Picture Books

Tierney, Peter (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2012  
Corruption in China: Theory, Status Quo and Countermeasures

Young, Jennifer Louise (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2012  
Chinese-American Transnational Marriage: Cultural Differences and Martial Satisfaction


Ratté, Alexander Takenobu (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2011
Contact Induced Phonological Change in Taiwanese
Zeng, Zhini (Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
Second-Culture Worldview Construction: integrating In-Class and Out-of-Class Activity in In-China Study
Su, Lulei (Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
A Pedagogical Perspective on Advanced L2 Learners' Acquisition of Chinese Conceptual Metaphor
Zheng, Yawen (Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
Behavioral Culture in the Chinese Language Classroom
Nute, Kathryn (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
中国国内新媒体之于突发事件的传播研究 (An Analysis of Collegiate Chinese student's "unscrambling" of American Collegiate students' Pronunciation of Chinese -- A Case Study)
Morin, James (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
中国国内新媒体之于突发事件的传播研究 (The Role of Chinese New Media, Specifically Weibo, in Broadcasting Information Concerning Incidents that Reflect Social Issues, and its Influence on the Consolidation of Nation Public Attention)
Markus, Daniel (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
中国北方缺水问题缓解方法——南水北调与海水淡化 (Methods to Relieve the North of China's Water Scarcity Issue - The South-North Water Project and Desalination)
Margulies, Matthew (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
中国中东政策及角色的二重矛盾性及未来的发展机遇 (The Contradictions Created by China's Middle East Policies and Role, and Future Development Opportunities)
Leary, Prior (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
中朝关系的历史、现状与未来 — 兼谈朝核问题对中朝关系的影响 (Sino-North Korean Relations and the North Korean Nuclear Problem)
Keith, Sean (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2011
美国对华公共外交 (U.S. Public Diplomacy Toward China)
Hill, Kara (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
中国的沙尘暴防治问题研究:以发展咸水农业的实践为例 (Research on Preventing and Remediating the Dust Storms of China: A Case Study Investigationg the Development of Salt Water Agriculture)
Cummings, Evan (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
中美企业间跨国并购现状、效应及策略分析 (An Analysis of the Present State of Sino-American Mergers and Acquisitions and Their Reasons for Success and Failure)
Babb, Kara (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
全球化背景下中国民营企业的品牌研究 (Research of China's Private Enterprises and Brands on a Global Background)
Shyu, Mina (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang)
中国政府应对2008金融危机的政策 (China's Policy Response to the 2008 Financial Crisis: Analysis and Evaluation)
Rogers, Megan (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2011
当代中国宗教学者对宗教的看法与态度 (Contemporary Chinese Religious Scholars' Views and Opinions of Religion)


Chen, Qin (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2010 
Allegories and Appropriations of the "Ghost": A Study of Xu Xu's Ghost Love and Its Three Film Adaptations.
Yang, Qiong (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2010 
A Writer's Dilemma: Gu Junzheng and a Turning Point of Chinese Science Fiction
Zhou, Hao (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2010 
Representations of Cities in Republican-era Chinese Literature
Schnaars, Paul Henry (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2010 
贵阳市尖山村社会主义新农村建设研究及评价 (Jian Shan Village: Case-Study Research and Evaluation of China's "New Socialist Villages")
Durgin, Timothy (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2010
太湖水污染及其治理 (Pollution Prevention in Lake Tai)
Wallin, Micah Raymond (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2010 
风能在中国的发展状况及其预测 (China's Wind Energy Development and Prediction)
Newcomer, Sean (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2010
网络时代下的中国旅行社——一成都旅行社网络化进程为例 (Chinese Travel Agencies & The Internet Age: An Analysis of the Adoption of Internet Tourism in Chengdu, China)
Stellato, Christopher Thomas (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2010 
“变天下”一位中国古彩戏法演员——房印庭的艺术生涯与中国民间戏法未来发展方向 ("Bian Tian Xia" A Traditional Chinese Magician - Fang Yinting's Artistic Career and the Future of Traditional Chinese Folk Magic)
Rotnem, Daniel (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2010
中国加入世贸组织后的外交政策:理想主义与现实主义的平衡 (Post-WTO Chinese Foreign Policy: The Balance Between Idealism and Realism)
Newman, Donald Anthony (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2010 
'电视湖军'的再次出击——湖南卫视兴办国际频道的文化诠释 (Hunan's "TV Soldiers" Go Global: Understanding the Cultural Roots and Implications Behind Hunan TV World)
Holzbauer, David John (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2010 
土地流转、规模农业与中国的粮食安全问题 (Land Transfer, Large-Scale Agriculture and China's Grain Security)
Huang, Wang (Prof. Heather Inwood) 2010 
Visual Sensation and Performative Cultural Politics: Chinese Literary Text Messages and Colors of Texts


Jameson, Alan (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2009 
中小企业贷款业发展的障碍和机遇 (Obstacles and Opportunities for Microcredit Companies Developing in the Countryside)
Gibbs, Levi (Prof. Mark Bender) 2009 
Beyond the Western Pass: Emotions and Songs of Separation in Northern China
He, Man (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2009 
The Peacock on Stage and in Print: A Study of the 1920s New Drama Adaptations of Southeast Flies the Peacock
Li, Mengjun (Prof. Patricia Sieber) 2009 
Master of Heavenly Flowers Scripture: Tianhua zang zhuren's 天花藏主人 Three Personae as Publisher, Commentator, and Writer of Scholar-beauty Fiction
Hsiao, Irene (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2009 
個案研究: 山東平度的春蕾計畫 (The Spring Bud Program in Pingud, Shandong (China))
Turner, Holly (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2009 
从2008年的新闻对突发事件的报道看中国媒体的观念、现状及其内在的矛盾 (Examining the Concepts, Situation and Inner Contradictions of the Chinese Media Through the News Reporting of Sudden Incidents in 2008)
Kratzer, Russell (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2009 
青岛农民工《劳动合同法》实施状况的调研:社会保险问题突出 (A Research on the Implimentation of China's Labor Contract Law and its Effects on Qingdao's Migrant Workers: Focusing on the Emergence of Social Service Issues)
Geller, Lucas (Flagship/Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2009
战略明确与战略模糊:中每官方媒体队台湾问题的报道——一个比较媒体研究的案例 (Strategic Clarity and Strategic Ambiguity: News Reports on the Taiwan Strait Issue in Official Sino-American Media, A Case Study of Comparative Media)
Li, Hui (Prof. Galal Walker) 2009 
Aspects of Hidden Chinese Culture Revealed in an American University Classroom
Psigoda, Jared (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2009
网络游戏产业研究报告 (A Research on the Internet Gaming Industry)


Burns, Drew (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
中国新社会阶层的自我评价、自我意识和解析 (The Self-Understanding, Self-Evaluation and Analysis of China's New Social Stratum)
Liu, Ying (Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
A Pedagogy of Constructing Self in Chinese Culture: A Case of First Meeting.
Lotz, Joshua (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
论中医在现代医疗体系中的角色 (A Discussion of the Role of Chinese Medicine in the Modern Health Care System)
Pai, Yifan (Prof. Mark Bender) 2008 
Exploring the Personal Experience Narrative of 1949 Chinese Immigrants to Taiwan.
Warren, Seth (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
微细的区别,重要的变化:《扬子晚报》头版头条大标题15年的变迁 (Small Differences, Big Changes: How Yangtze Evening News' Headlines Have Evolved Over the Last 15 Years)
Wilson, James (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
影响翻译者自信度的诸种因素调查 (A Comprehensive Investigation of Factors which Influence a Translator's Self-Confidence)
Zhu, Bo (Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
Chinese Culture Values and Chinese Language Pedagogy
Garner, Matthew (Flagship/ Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
论《道德经》中的“无为”思想在现代营销上的作用 (An Analysis of the Application of Lao Tzu's "Wu Wei" Philosophy to Modern Marketing)
Longenbaker, Patrick (Flagship/ Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
知识产权保护对于中国欠发达地区经济发展之利弊——探索中美关系最大的冲突之一 (Pros and Cons of Intellectual Property Rights Impact on the Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas - An Exploration Into one of Sino-American Relation's Greatest Conflicts)
Szewczyk, Katherine (Flagship/ Prof. Galal Walker) 2008 
冲突与交融——从哈尔滨看多元文化和跨文化交流 (Conflict and Integration - An in-depth Analysis of Multicultural Exchange in Harbin)


Meng, Nan (Prof. Galal Walker) 2007 
Designing PK-4 Chinese Language Curriculum Based on Observations of Children Interacting with Their Families
Zhong, Xi (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2007 
The Gendered Tiyu Discourse in Modern China: A Comparative Reading of Chinese Sport Films
Thurston, Timothy (Prof. Mark Bender) 2007 
Tricksters and Outcasts in Modern Tibetan Literature: An Examination of Folkloric Character Types in Alai's Novels
Southerland, Abigail (Flagship/Prof. Galal Walker) 2007
中国大学生对美国大学生汉语发音的解读分析——六个个案的研究 (An Analysis of Collegiate Chinese student's "unscrambling" of American Collegiate students' Pronunciation of Chinese - A Case Study)
Yang, Jia (Prof. Galal Walker) 2007 
How to Say "No" in Chinese: A Pedagogy of Refusal for Chinese as a Foreign Language


Wang, Xiao (Prof. Jianqi Wang) 2006
The Analysis of Formal Chinese Oral Narratives
Qin, Xizhen (Prof. Galal Walker) 2006
Hierarchical Context Model for Teaching Chinese Vocabulary
Wu, Xiaonan (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2006
Family History in Fang Fang's Works: Narrative Technique, Father-Son Bond and History
Gilliland, Joshua (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2006. 
Language Attitudes and Ideologies in Shanghai, China.
Xu, Wang (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2006. 
A Comparison of Chinese and Taiwan Sign Languages: Towards a New Model for Sign Language Comparison.
Riha, Helena (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2006. 
Typology and Structure of Roman Letter Words in Mandarin Chinese.


Tao, Jeanne (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2005 
Breaking with the Past: Memory, Mourning, and Hope in Lu Xun's Writing
Wang, Yang (Prof. Galal Walker) 2005 
A Pedagogy of Leave-Taking in Chinese


Kang, Hana (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2004. 
Heritage language maintenance, Acculturation, and identity: Chinese and Korean 1.5 generation immigrants in New Jersey.
Davis, Junko (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2004. 
A Prosodic Study of the "Inverted Sentence" in Beijing Mandarin.


McAloon, Patrick (Prof. Galal Walker) 2003 
The Evolution of Institutional Definitions of Advanced Skills in Chinese Language Pedagogy
Sung, Hoyeon (Prof. Kirk Denton) 2003 
A Comparative Study of Shao Xunmei's Poetry
Yang, Yan (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2003 
Ne in the Novel Honglou Meng (Dream of the Red Chambers): Gender, Social Status and a Sentence-Final Particle
Zhang, Yongfang (Prof. Galal Walker) 2003 
Experimental Justification for Using Computers in Chinese Composition Courses for Foreign Learners - An Investigation of the Perspective of Readers
Zhang, Yunxin (Prof. Galal Walker) 2003 
Constructing Memory: A Case for Using Video in the Chinese Language Classroom


Lee, Peace Bakwon (Prof. Mark Bender) 2002 
A Performance Analysis of Chaoxianzu Oral Traditions in Yanbian, China


Chan, Thomas (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2001 
Orthographic Change: Yue (Cantonese) Chinese Dialect Characters in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.


Lee, Ok-Joo (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 2000 
The Pragmatics and Intonation of ma-Particle Questions in Mandarin


Quitter, Donald (Prof. Galal Walker) 1999 
Traditional Rhetoric in a Modern Chinese Talk Show: Metaphorical Devices in Chinese Media, Talk Show and Idiom
Seung, Shauna (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 1998 
Toward Accuracy in Chinese Tonal Production: Seven Case Studies
Shepherd, Eric (Prof. Galal Walker) 1998 
Playing Their Game: Banqueting in Shandong
Sun, Chuan (Prof. Patricia Sieber) 1998 
Shared Sphere: A Study of Xiang Bao in the Reform Movement in 1898 Hunan
Miller, Mark (Prof. Kirk Denton) 1997 
The Yusi Society And The Literary Field Of Early Twentieth-Century China
Peterka, Alan (Prof. Galal Walker) 1997 
The Autonomous Learner of Chinese and the Individualized Instruction Program
Shen, Haibing (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 1997 
Gender and Conversational Interaction in Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-Based Study of Radio Talk Shows
Yu, Li (Prof. Galal Walker) 1997 
Toward a Pedagogical Model of Learning to Read Chinese as a Foreign Language
Barrett, Tracy (Profs. Xiaomei Chen and Hao Chang) 1996 
Images in a Broken Mirror: Meminism, Iconoclasm, and Salvation
Bi, Zhiwei (Prof. Yan-shuan Lao) 1996 
Xuxiu Siku Quanshu Zongmu Tiyao: An Analysis of the Sequel to the Annotated Bibliography of the Four Treasures
Foster, Timothy (Prof. Yan-shuan Lao) 1996 
Zengzi's Pivotal Role in the Evolution of Filial Piety: From the Analects to the Book of Filial Piety
Trowbridge, John L. (Profs. Thomas Kasulis and Yan-shuan Lao) 1996 
The Relationship Between Skepticism and Epistemological Relativism in the "Qi Wu Lun" Chapter of the Zhuang Zi
Shi, Tong (Prof. Galal Walker) 1995
Toward Constructing a Memory Model for Building a Chinese Mental Lexicon
Tutatchikova, Olga (Prof. Galal Walker) 1995 
Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation by Foreign Learners: The Role of Memory in Learning and Teaching
Wang, Jing (Prof. Xiaomei Chen) 1995 
Representations of the Mother-Daughter Dynamics in the Works of Feng Yuanjun and Xie Bingxin
Wu, Sue-mei (Prof. Frank Hsueh) 1994 
Instrumentality in Classical Chinese: A Study of the Function Word Yi with Special Reference to The Confucian Analects
Zhou, Lieting (Prof. James Tai) 1994 
Locative Implications of Chinese Nouns and Occurrence Conditions of Localizers
Bae, Jaesuk (Prof. Frank Hsueh) 1993 
The Development of the Syllable Initial System in Chinese and in Sino-Korean
Whitlock, Margaret (Prof. Galal Walker) 1993 
Toward a Cross-Cultural Comparison of Chinese and American Narrative
Cox, Susan (Prof. Galal Walker) 1991 
Wang Yangming's System of Knowledge as Presented in the Chuanxi Lu
Butler, Craig (Prof. Robert Sanders) 1990 
An Examination of "dao PLACE," "dao PLACE qu," and "qu PLACE" in Mandarin Chinese
Christensen, Matthew (Prof. Marjorie Chan) 1990 
The Punctual Aspect in Chinese: A Study of the Perfective and Inchoative Aspect Markers in Mandarin and Cantonese
Lidaka, Sherry (Prof. Kirk Denton) 1990 
A Comparative Study of Zhang Ailing's 'Jinsuo Ji' and Yuan Nu: A Feminist Appraisal


Bender, Mark (Prof. Timothy Wong) 1989 
Suzhou Tanci: Keys to Performance
Hor, Annie Yuen-mun (Prof. Timothy Wong) 1988 
The Stone -- An Interpretation of the Supernatural in the Honglou Meng
Liu, Ch'eng-hui (Prof. Frank Hsueh) 1988 
An Analytical Study of the Lingbao Dialect
Bourgerie, Dana Scott (Prof. Timothy Light) 1987 
Particles of Uncertainty: A Discourse Approach to the Cantonese Final Particle
Knicely, Steven (Prof. David Ch'en) 1987 
The Xing in Shijing Poetics: Toward a Satisfactory Definition
Miracle, Charles (Prof. Frank Hsueh) 1987 
Chinese/English Code Switching: a Preliminary Inquiry
Schopick, Philip (Prof. Galal Walker) 1987 
An Examination of the History of Drill and Its Application in Foreign Language Education with Special Emphasis on Its Use in Mandarin Chinese
Wang, Lianqing (Prof. Frank Hsueh) 1987 
The Vietnamese Sound System and Its Typological Relation to Chinese
Shan, Shiang (Prof. David Ch'en) 1986 
A Study of Dream Poems in Chuan Tang Shih
Tang, Yanfang (Prof. David Ch'en) 1986 
Imagery: A Comparative Study of Chinese Nature Poetry, English Romantic Poetry, and American Imagist Poetry
He, Baozhang (Prof. Timothy Light) 1985 
The Two Constructions NP + VP and VP +de + NP in Chinese
Jian, Xiaobin (Prof. Galal Walker) 1985 
The Metaphoric Fields of the Dao in the Laozi
Tindall, Bradley Lewis (Prof. Yan-shuan Lao) 1985 
Shih Hui-Yuan (334-417 AD) and Early Chinese Speculation on the Dharmakaya as Contained in the Ta-Ch'eng Ta-I Chang
Zhang, Zhanyi (Prof. Timothy Light) 1985 
Individualized Instruction in Chinese
Alt, Wayne Edward (Prof. Yan-shuan Lao) 1984 
The Dispute Prior to the Cultural Revolution "Two Form Into One" and "One Divides Into Two"
Chang, Mei-Rong Lee (Prof. Yan-shuan Lao) 1984 
The Art of Liu Tsung-Yuan's Fables
Chiang, Mien-Hwa (Prof. Timothy Light) 1984 
Three Common Reduplicated Coordinate Conjunctions in Chinese
Dean, Henry (Prof. Timothy Light) 1983 
Rules for Mandarin Le Deletion
Gu, Liping (Prof. Tien-Yi Li) 1983 
Three Female Characters of Hong Lou Meng


Chang, Yeh-min (Prof. David Ch'en) 1977 
Hsiao Tung's Contributions to Chinese Literature
Stalberg, Roberta (Prof. David Ch'en) 1977 
Poems of the Han-shan Collection
Dan, William Bertram (Prof. David Chen) 1975 
Social Criticism in Yuan Drama: a Translation and Study of Kung T'ien-t'ing's Fan Chang Chi-Shu
Lloyd, Alicia (Prof. David Ch'en) 1974 
A Rhetorical Analysis of the Tao-Te-Ching: Some Taoist Figures of Speech
Fang, Ning-ning (Prof. Eugene Ching) 1971 
A Study of the 1956 Scheme for Simplifying Chinese Characters