Graduate Programs

Introduction / Application / Admission / MA Requirements / PhD Requirements / Financial Aid / Lists of Theses and Dissertations/ Certificate


DEALL has a graduate student population that ranges between seventy and eighty students, making the program one of the largest in the continental United States. Graduate students can pursue both the M.A. and Ph.D. in Chinese or Japanese, focusing on literature, linguistics, or language pedagogy as a field of specialization, and the MA in Advanced Chinese Language and Culture.

How to Apply for Graduate School and Brief Introduction to our Graduate Programs: Video

Our graduate students take an active role in their fields, with many students presenting papers or participating in workshops at major conferences each year. Students are encouraged to publish their papers, and several of DEALL's graduate students have won University-wide competitive awards for outstanding scholarly research papers. Four of DEALL's Ph.D. students have received the Presidential Fellowship for final year dissertation write-up in the past few years. Several have been the recipients of such distinctions as the Mombusho Scholarship, Fulbright-Hays, Japan Foundation, and Inter-university Center (of which OSU is a member) fellowship. One of our graduates has been designated a McArthur Foundation Fellow. Many of DEALL's M.A. graduates have continued their education here or in Ph.D. programs of MIT, Yale, Berkeley, Brandeis, Cornell, University of Chicago, to name only a few. Graduates of DEALL's M.A. and Ph.D. programs are or have been employed by universities such as Brigham Young, MIT, College of William and Mary, Harvard, University of Michigan, University of Maryland, University of Oregon, UCLA, University of Illinois, National University of Singapore, Georgia Tech, Drew University, and the International Christian University in Japan. Most of these appointments are tenure-track.

For further information, please contact our Graduate Studies Chair Professor Xiaobin Jian. Questions concerning admission to our graduate program may also be directed to our Academic Program Coordinator, Jeremie Smith. For information on financial aid, graduate associateships, the work-study program, and government loans, visit the Office of Financial Aid. The East Asian Studies Center offers Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS) for American citizens and permanent residents to study East Asian languages and area studies. For more information on FLAS and a list of external funding opportunities, visit


Application to the program is to be made only on-line at the site provided by the Admissions Office. To apply on-line, go to Graduate Applications. The deadline to apply for the University Fellowship competition is November 20.  The deadline to apply for regular admissions and graduate associateships is November 20. Note: GRE exam scores are not required for applying to DEALL graduate programs. 

Until further notice DEALL is not accepting applications for 2024 to the Advanced Chinese Language and Culture MA Program.  


M.A. Program Admission

  1. Requirements:
  • B.A. in Chinese or Japanese, or the equivalent.
  • Minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 (B) on a 0.00–4.00 scale. If you have some graduate level work or have completed a graduate degree, a 3.00 graduate GPA is required. See below for exceptions.
  • Complete transcripts of all previous college-level study.
  • A statement of purpose.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • A writing sample

For international applicants:

  1. Our department follows the OSU Graduate School's requirements for proof of English proficiency. These guidelines can be found on the graduate school website.
  2. A student entering the Masters program without the stipulated preparation must demonstrate a reading knowledge of either Chinese or Japanese (modern and/or literary) equivalent to three (3) years of study at Ohio State.
  3. A student may be admitted conditionally and required to satisfy certain B.A. requirements before being granted regular graduate admission.
  4. The M.A. curriculum is designed for students to enter in the autumn semester. Those proposing to enter during another semester must contact the Graduate Studies Committee Chair.

PH.D. Program Admission

Students will be initially admitted only into the Masters program so that the faculty can become acquainted with the breadth and depth of their previous educational experience. Each student must pass an evaluation by the relevant graduate faculty before being admitted to the Doctoral program. Upon the successful evaluation, the admission to the Doctoral program becomes effective from the following semester for those with an M.A. in hand, and from the semester immediately following the completion of the M.A. degree for those without an M.A. at the time of application. Those who are admitted to the Doctoral program while completing an M.A. must complete all requirements for the M.A. within the semester immediately following the evaluation semester. If a student cannot complete the M.A. within the semester, the graduate faculty in the appropriate language area reserves the right to reevaluate the candidate. An M.A. degree is a prerequisite for Doctoral admission.

  1. For a student who holds an M.A. or expects to receive an M.A. from another institution or another department:
  • The evaluation will be held in the second semester of the first year.
  • After reviewing the submitted materials and assessing the student’s academic performance, the faculty will vote to allow the student to (1) continue, (2) require another evaluation to take place within a year, or (3) deny the student’s continuation in the Ph.D. program.
  • The student denied continuance in the Ph.D. program may opt to complete a terminal M.A. in the Department.
  1. For a student who is completing an M.A. in DEALL,
  • The evaluation will be held in the final semester of the Master’s program.
  • After reviewing the submitted materials and assessing the student’s academic performance, the faculty in the appropriate language area will vote to admit or deny entry into the doctoral program.
  1. The evaluation consists of a review of the following materials, to be submitted by the student to the Graduate Studies Committee Chair:
  • A three-page, double-spaced statement of purpose
  • Two research papers that reflect the best of the student’s work.
  • Updated CV
  • Up-to-date OSU graduate transcripts (for those who attended OSU).
  • Request a reference letter from the advisor (advisor should send this letter directly to the Director of Graduate Studies)

Those with an M.A. in hand and who were originally admitted to the Masters program may, in certain cases, petition to be reconsidered for the Doctoral program during their first year. In such cases, the applicant must consult with his/her advisor first and provide evidence of background sufficient to carry out the Doctoral program. The advisor then consults with the Graduate Studies Committee. The Graduate Studies Committee reviews the case and makes a recommendation of either (1) allowing the student’s application to the Doctoral program to be evaluated by the faculty members of the appropriate language area, or (2) asking the student to wait until the following year.

MA Requirements

The Masters program is designed to give students a broad foundation in the scholarly traditions of Chinese or Japanese language, linguistics, and literature, together with increased training in language skills. Frequently, a student will choose to specialize in an area of linguistics, literature, or language pedagogy. All students are required to take the core courses listed below. Both thesis and non-thesis options are available. Students are expected to complete all requirements for the Masters degree within two years. In special circumstances, an extension of this period of one or more semesters may be granted by the Graduate Studies Committee, but the total length of time used to fulfill degree requirements shall in no case exceed five (5) consecutive years.

Core Requirements for the Chinese M.A. (18 credit hours)*

Three (3) credit hours of Chinese bibliography and methodology: C8500

Three (3) credit hours of East Asian language pedagogy, from the following options:
EALL7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7704, 7705

Six (6) hours of Chinese linguistics: C5380 plus one of the following options:
C5381, 5383, 5387, 7382, 7384, 7385, 7386, 8382, 8384, 8897

Six (6) hours of Chinese literature: one course in traditional literature:
C5400, 6451, 6452, 6453, 8471, 8472, 8473, 8474, 8475, 8897 (traditional literature iteration),

and one course in modern literature:
C7461, 7462, 7463, 7464, 7465, 7466, 7467, 7468, 7470, 8897 (modern literature iteration)

*This set of requirements does not apply to the specialty in Advanced Chinese Language and Culture.

Core Requirements for the Japanese M.A. (21 credit hours)

Three (3) hours of Japanese Bibliography: J8500

Three (3) hours of East Asian language pedagogy, from the following options:
EALL7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7704, 7705

Six (6) hours of Japanese linguistics: J5380
plus one of the following options
J5112, 5381, EALL5383, J7382, 7384, 7386, 7387, 7388, 7392, 8387, 8897

Six (6) hours of Japanese literature: one of J5400, 5454, J5455, J5456,
plus one of the following options:
J5112, 7451, 7452, 7453, 7454, 7455, 8470, 8477, 8897 (literature iteration), E5475

Three (3) hours of Classical Japanese: J5111 (J5112 also possible)

N.B. A course in Classical Japanese (J5112) cannot be used to meet the requirement for both Japanese linguistics/literature and Classical Japanese. Core requirements can be satisfied either by taking the courses or by demonstrating equivalent knowledge.

Core Requirements for the M.A. in Advanced Chinese Language and Culture

Year One (total 28 credit hours)

Summer (non-credit): Pre-Flagship Program (remedial language)
Fall: (14 credit hours): 7660 (3), 7617 (3), 7655 (3), 7671.51 (research project, 5 credit hours)
Spring: (14 credit hours): 7615 (3), 7650 (3), 7670 (3), 7672.51 (research project, 5 credit hours)

Year Two (4-6 total credit hours)

Summer Pre-Capstone (non-credit): based in Qingdao, working individually with mentor
Fall: Capstone (non-credit): University Enrollment and Internship
Spring: MA thesis/project (6998 or 6999, 4–6 credit hours)

N.B. Exemptions from specific courses do not reduce credit hour requirements for any of the five core areas.

Elective Requirements for Chinese and Japanese M.A.

With the consultation and approval of the advisor, M.A. candidates will select courses in this and other departments. A maximum of 9 credit hours of 6193 (Independent Study) and 9 credit hours of 6999 (M.A. Thesis) will be counted toward graduation.

Masters Examination

  1. Non-Thesis Option
    Students taking the non-thesis option must complete a written examination, normally in the Spring semester. The Chinese examination consists of five sections, one each on Chinese linguistics, literature, bibliography, pedagogy, and the student’s specialty. The Japanese examination consists of four sections, one each on Japanese linguistics, literature, pedagogy, and the student's specialty.
  2. Thesis Option
    Students taking the thesis option must submit a thesis that constitutes original, in-depth research.

PhD Requirements

  1. Fields of Study
    In consultation with their advisor, students must choose one major field and at least two minor areas of concentration.
  2. Credit Requirements
    Total Required Credit Hours: Minimum 30 credit hours of non-dissertation coursework, 18 credit hours (six courses) will normally be in the Major Field of Study and 12 credit hours (four courses) in two Minor Fields of Study.
  3. Course Work
    Students must take a minimum of 10 graduate courses, or 30 credit hours (5000+ within the department; 4000+ outside). 6 of these courses must be within the department.
  4. Candidacy Examination
    All students must take a “candidacy examination" not long after completion of course work. The exam consists of a written portion and an oral portion. The student is examined on his/her knowledge of one major field and two minor fields, which are to be determined in consultation with the student’s advisor. The exam committee must have a minimum of 4 graduate faculty, one of whom is the advisor.
  5. Language Requirement
    Doctoral students shall demonstrate proficiency in a second East Asian Language, with a minimum ability equivalent to successful completion of the first two levels of that language.
  6. Dissertation
    Students take twenty (20) credit hours of dissertation work; maximum 8 dissertation (8999) courses. Oral examination with 4 graduate faculty (including the advisor) to be held sometime after the dissertation committee signs off on the dissertation and gives permission to the student to graduate.

Financial Aid

The Ohio State University has a generous program of financial aid. The aid comes in two principal forms: Fellowships, which provide a stipend and tuition waiver and which require no service from the student; and Graduate Associateships, which provide a stipend and tuition waiver, but which require a work commitment from the student in teaching, research, or administration. Applicants must indicate on the application form their desire to be considered for financial aid. Once this is done, each student will be considered by the Department Graduate Studies Committee for all forms of graduate aid for which s/he might be eligible.

Susan Huntington Dean’s Distinguished Fellowships (DDU), Distinguished University Fellowships (DUF), University Fellowships (UF), Dean’s Graduate Enrichment Fellowships (DGE), and Graduate Enrichment Fellowships (GE) are available only to entering first-year graduate students. These are awarded in a University-wide competition held once annually. Each department nominates applicants of exceptional promise, and a central committee chooses the final recipients. Because of the form of the competition, the Department cannot predict how many Fellowships it will have in any year. While the Fellowship cannot be continued into succeeding years, students who demonstrate high performance in their first year are normally awarded Graduate Associateships in succeeding years.

Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships (FLAS) are available from the East Asian Studies Center. Application must be made directly to East Asian Studies Center.  Open only to US citizens and permanent residents.

Graduate Associateships: Both native and non-native speakers of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean are considered for associateships. Most are assigned to teach language or culture courses; others are appointed to research or office duties. Associateships are awarded to incoming and continuing students by the Chairperson upon recommendation by the Graduate Studies Committee.

Presidential Fellowships: University-wide Fall and Spring competitions open to doctoral candidates. Nominations are made by the Department to the Graduate School. Students do not apply. Qualified students must have completed all course work, passed their Candidacy Examinations, and been admitted to candidacy.  Students are required to register for a minimun of three (3) credit hours of dissertation research (8999) each semester they hold the Fellowship. No other appointment may be held simultaneously.

Further Financial Aid Opportunities:  Information about other financial aid may be obtained through the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Lists of MA Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

Chinese MA Theses
Chinese PhD Dissertations
Japanese MA Theses
Japanese Ph.D. Dissertations

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