February 21, 2023
Buckeye East Asian Linguistics 6 (BEAL 6)

The sixth volume of Buckeye East Asian Linguistics edited by Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan and Zhiguo Xie has been published through OSU’s Knowledge Bank. It is a Festschrift, presented in honor of James H-Y. Tai, Professor of Chinese Linguistics, who taught at the Department from 1986 till 1995, and created the endowed fund, James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund, in 2018. On the occasion of celebrating his 80th birthday, we dedicate this special issue to him from the past and current faculty and students of East Asian Linguistics. The volume contains seven articles.
Link: https://kb.osu.edu/handle/1811/102551