Congratulations to National Honor Society honorees!
Six graduating seniors in DEALL will be inducted to the Japanese National Honor Society College Chapter this Spring. They are Yeri T. McCLAIN (nominated by Mari Noda),Yunzhi ZHENG (nominated by Charles Quinn), Jessica SUNKAMANEEVONGSE (nominated by Etsuyo Yuasa), Alexander DANESIS and Mikhail KOUDINOV (nominated by Ai Terada), and Robert PATTON (nominated by Teppei Kiyosue). The inductees have received their certificates and the red and white cords to wear at graduation ceremonies.
The Japanese National Honor Society recognizes and encourages achievement and excellence in the study of the Japanese language. Criteria for selection includes completion of 5 semesters of Japanese language study at the college level, a GPA of 3.5 in Japanese language courses and an overall GPA of 3.0. The selection is managed by the American Association of Teachers of Japanese. In spring 2014, 234 students from 50 colleges and universities were inducted into the JNHS College Chapter. Their names are found on the AATJ website <>.
Congratulations to all