April 17, 2018
New Endowment: James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund

New Endowment Fund in 2018:
James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund
(Fund Number: 647101)
James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund
(Fund Number: 647101)
URL: http://go.osu.edu/tai-beal-fund
Thanks to donor, Professor James H-Y. Tai, this newly-created endowment fund supports the academic activities of graduate and undergraduate students and faculty whose primary field of research is East Asian (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) linguistics in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL).
Professor James H-Y. Tai, a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Taiwan Linguistic Society (2010) and Distinguished Chair Professor at the National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan, was a special guest speaker at the 30th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (https://u.osu.edu/naccl30/), held at The Ohio State University. Professor Tai was the senior founding member of NACCL and had taught in DEALL during 1986-1995 before joining National Chung Cheng University to serve as the founding Director of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics and later as Dean of the College of Humanities (1997-2002). He was Director-General of the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Taiwan National Science Council (2002-2005), and President of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (2004), and is currently the Director of the newly established Center for Innovative and Transdisciplinary Research on Aging at his institution.
After celebrating the 30th anniversary of the NACCL in March, Professor Tai generously and enthusiastically established an endowment at Ohio State. Named the James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund (Fund Number: 483337), it aims to encourage and support the academic activities of our graduate and undergraduate students and faculty whose primary field of study is East Asian linguistics. This includes, but is not limited to, support for East Asian linguistics conferences and workshops. The endowment, a fund to last in perpetuity, will support our DEALL East Asian linguistics activities, in continuing to build upon the strong tradition of East Asian Linguistics at Ohio State.
We express our deepest gratitude to Professor James H-Y. Tai for his generosity and good will in giving us a permanent source of support and a basis for additional donations from our friends, colleagues, and alumni. We strongly encourage those who would like to support East Asian Linguistics at OSU to consider donating to this endowment fund.