SPEAC Application Packets

Workshop in Beginning Chinese (no fee, non-credit): (Not offered in 2018)

All Applicants:
Application [docx] Form 
Consent to Be Recorded [doc] Form

Columbus-based Chinese/Japanese Intensive Language Programs:

If you are under the age of 18, please contact SPEAC office ( speac@osu.edu) for an additional requirement. 

OSU Applicants:





Non-OSU Applicants who are US Citizens





International Students





International Applicants Note:  You are considered an international applicant if you are not a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or political asylum, or are holding F-1, H-1, J-1 visas or expecting to obtain an F-1 or J-1 student visa to study in the U.S.

Teacher Training in Chinese/Japanese Program (Not offered in 2018)

OSU Applicants Seeking OSU Credit:
TTOSUapplication2017.doc Form
Intent_to_enroll form2017.doc Form
Video_Pic_Consent2017.doc Form

Applicants Seeking No OSU Credit
4TTNonCreditApplication2017.doc Form
Video_Pic_Consent2017.doc Form

[doc] - Some links on this page are to Microsoft .doc files requiring the use of Microsoft Word. If you need these files in a more accessible format, please contact deall@osu.edu.

[docx] - Some links on this page are to Microsoft .docx files requiring the use of Microsoft Word. If you need these files in a more accessible format, please contact deall@osu.edu.