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Professor Mineharu Nakayama's summer 2013 round-up

DEALL professor Mineharu Nakayama, along with several co-authors, had one paper published and another one accepted over the summer time:

  1. Yoshimura, N., M. Nakayama, K. Sawasaki, and H. Shimizu 2013. Locality in L2 Japanese and English. In Stavroula Stavrakaki, Marina Lalioti, and Polyxeni Konstantinopoulou (eds.), Advances in Language Acquisition, 375-385. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  2. Yoshimura, N., M. Nakayama, A. Fujimori, and K. Sawasaki. L2 acquisition of grammatical aspect in English. Accepted in Utako Minai, Annie Tremblay, Caitlin Coughlin, Chia-Ying Chu, and Bea Lopez Prego (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition - North America. Summerville, MA: Cascadilla. 

In addition, with his collaborators, Professor Nakayama presented two posters in summer 2013.  The first poster, entitled “What makes it hard to acquire present perfect in L2 English?” was presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Language Sciences, held at Kwassui Women’s University, from June 28 to June 30, 2013. For this work, Professor Nakayama collaborates with N. Yoshimura, K. Sawasaki, and A. Fujimori. Click below for the abstract and poster. The second poster, entitled “Morphosyntactic-semantic mappings in Japanese-English interlanguage,” was presented at EUROSLA 23, held in the University of Amsterdam from August 28 to August 31, 2013. This research is a collaborative work with N. Yoshimura, K. Sawasaki, A. Fujimori, and S. Kawasaki. Click below for the abstract and poster.