2013 China Gateway Study Abroad Discovers Mahjong -- and Starts a New Club at OSU

2013 China Gateway Study Abroad Discovers Mahjong -- and Starts a New Club at OSU

When the nine of us began our journey to China we had no idea what we would take away from the experience. We expected to learn many things, but we ended up acquiring so much more. We came away with friends, memories, and knowledge of a game we knew so very little about. When the nine of us decided to go to China this past summer, we never expected to learn the game of Mahjong. We learned how to play Mahjong in Panzhihua and ever since that day we have been addicted. It is for this reason that, standing on a train platform in Panzhihua, we decided to start a Mahjong club at OSU.  The club is designed to teach members how to play Mahjong, but we also want members to teach us. That is why anyone can join, whether you are an experienced player or you just want to learn! Our club meets every other Monday at 8pm in the Ohio Union Basement. If you are interested, come out and join us! We started this club in the hope that we could bring a slice of China back to OSU and get other people interested in this ancient and exciting game. For us, this is not just a club; these are our memories, playing themselves out in the present.